Friday, February 17, 2012

Rahul Gandhi in Pratapgarh: UP is the heart of India

I am not here for elections, I am here to fight for U.P said Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi while addressing an election rally in Pratapgarh. Congress never made hollow promises, it always believed in action said Rahul Gandhi.
While all other states are surging ahead, Uttar Pradesh – the heart of India – lags behind said Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi. He was addressing an election rally in Pratapgarh as part of his Congress campaign in the poll bound Uttar Pradesh.
Rahul Gandhi urged the people to join him in his battle for the development of Uttar Pradesh. If elected to power, Congress will bring in positive changes in U.P he assured. While all other states are developing, the state of Uttar Pradesh is lagging behind, he concerned. He assured progress under a Congress Government.

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